Welcome to the Zotefoams plc investor relations centre.
This area contains important shareholder information, and financial reports for Zotefoams plc.

Whether you’re already a shareholder, or thinking of investing in Zotefoams, you can use these pages to access Zotefoams plc investor information: current and past annual and interim reports, our financial calendar, the current Zotefoams’ share price, information about our board of directors, and current and archived financial announcements.

Our most recent presentation to investors, following the AGM on the 22 May 2024:

In order to access and engage with existing and potential shareholders efficiently, Zotefoams has adopted the Investor Meet Company communications platform.

Investor Meet Company is a digital platform that provides individual investors the same direct access to management as institutional investors around company announcements. Through live, interactive presentations, as part of the investor roadshow, all investors can now have the same opportunity for two-way engagement regardless of the number of shares they own or where they are located, so they can come to an informed decision about Zotefoams.

Click below to sign up for our presentations.